
Showing posts from October, 2023

Reseña de 'Es fácil dejar de fumar si sabes cómo' de Allen Carr (ES)

Si me preguntas cuál es mi libro favorito de todos los tiempos, aquel que cambió mi vida, definitivamente diré que "Es fácil dejar de fumar si sabes cómo" de Allen Carr. Estaba pensando en cómo pasaría mi primer aniversario sin cigarrillos, y decidí tomarme el tiempo para escribir una reseña del libro y compartir mis pensamientos y experiencias del último año y de los anteriores. Así que sí, ha pasado un año sin cigarrillos. Empecé a fumar a los 14 años (ahora tengo 31), y este marca mi récord personal, con el récord anterior de 8 meses no hace mucho. De vez en cuando, he intentado dejar de fumar. Por supuesto, todos hemos escuchado la cita de Mark Twain: "Dejar de fumar es fácil. Lo he hecho cientos de veces", o "Dejar de fumar es lo más fácil del mundo. Lo sé porque lo he hecho miles de veces". Lo mismo me sucedía a mí. Durante los últimos 5 años, luché contra el tabaquismo con vehemencia, pero siempre volvía. Recuerdo haber leído "Es fácil dejar de...

Рецензия на "Лесният начин да спрете да пушите" от Алън Кар (БГ)

Ако някой ме попита коя е най-любимата ми книга за всички времена, тази, която промени живота ми, определено ще кажа "Лесният начин да спреш да пушиш" на Алън Кар. Мислех как бих посрещнал едногодишнината без цигари (25.10.2023) и реших, че ще отделя време да напиша рецензия на книгата и споделя мислите и преживяванията си през изминалата година и как се стигна до тук. Започнах да пуша на 14 години (в момента 31), сега вече година без цигари, моят личен рекорд, като преди това най-дълго бях издържал 8 месеца, което не беше толкова отдавна. От време на време правих устремен опит да спра, който се проваляше със същата тази устременост. Разбира се, всички сме чували цитатите на Марк Твен: "Да спреш да пушиш е лесно. Вече съм го правил стотици пъти" или "Да спреш да пушиш е най-лесното нещо на света. Зная, защото съм го правил хиляди пъти." Същото важеше и за мен. През последните 5 години се борих с пушенето с решимост, но навика винаги се завръщаше. Спомням с...

Rezension von 'Endlich Nichtraucher' von Allen Carr (DE)

Wenn du mich fragst, welches mein Lieblingsbuch aller Zeiten ist, dasjenige, das mein Leben verändert hat, werde ich definitiv "Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking" sagen. Ich habe darüber nachgedacht, wie ich meinen einjährigen Nichtraucher-Geburtstag verbringen würde, und beschlossen, mir Zeit zu nehmen, um eine Buchrezension zu schreiben und meine Gedanken und Erfahrungen aus dem vergangenen Jahr und davor zu teilen. Also ja, es sind ein ganzes Jahr ohne Zigaretten vergangen. Ich habe mit 14 angefangen zu rauchen (jetzt bin ich 31), und das ist mein persönlicher Rekord, wobei der vorherige Rekord vor nicht allzu langer Zeit 8 Monate betrug. Immer wieder habe ich versucht, aufzuhören. Natürlich haben wir alle Mark Twains Zitat gehört: "Mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören ist einfach. Das habe ich schon hunderte Male getan" oder "Mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören ist das einfachste der Welt. Ich weiß, weil ich es tausende Male getan habe." Das gilt auch für mich. I...

Review of 'The Easy Way to Stop Smoking' by Allen Carr (ENG)

If you ask me what my favorite book of all time is, the one that changed my life, I will definitely say Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking." I was thinking about how I’d spend my one-year anniversary without cigarettes, and I decided that I would take my time to write a book review and share my thoughts and experiences from the past year and before that. So, yes, it's been one year without cigarettes. I started smoking at the age of 14 (I'm now 31), and this marks my personal record, with the previous record being 8 months not too long ago. Every now and then, I've attempted to quit. Of course, we've all heard Mark Twain's quote, "Giving up smoking is easy. I've done it hundreds of times," or "Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times." The same goes for me. Over the last 5 years, I've fought smoking vigorously, but it always came back. I recall reading "...

October Screamfest: Horror Movie Picks

Boy, if you're a fan of horror, like me, you've probably already seen these movies, maybe in the cinema, maybe at home while streaming, but you've seen them. This post is actually for those who are too afraid to watch them but are open to getting scared shitless on this year's Halloween eve. I know you might be from a country that doesn't celebrate this day, yada yada, but it's all about creating an event and enjoying yourself, no matter what you call it. Okay, last night I watched one of my recommendations, and it really scared me. Today, in the daylight, I was able to think about it a bit more. This year, we have some fantastic additions to the horror genre, so I'll start with the freshest one in my mind from yesterday: 'The Boogeyman': I was trying to save this movie for October 31st, but I couldn't resist. After watching almost every episode of the new Goosebumps series on Disney+ (reminding myself how great the show was when I was a kid), I ...

Review of 'Three Apples Fell From the Sky' by Narine Abgaryan

I really liked this book. It reminded me so much of a time that I wasn't even a part of, but I became familiar with through the stories of my grandparents and even my parents. I also remember not too long ago reading a similar piece by Ivailo Petrov (Преди да се родя и след смъртта ми) that transported me to a time when everything was so simplistically chaotic. This book meant a lot to me because it has charm and gave me the chance to take a look into another culture and see the similarities between our people, our rituals, and all the rich connections. While reading the book, I had to remind myself that the story is not set in Bulgaria. I guess the times were different, and we were much more alike than we are now?  Spoilers ahead.  I didn't expect the rush with by far my favorite character, Anatolia, who started the story dying, but as the story progressed, she delivered a life at the end of it. Anatolia was involved in such an interesting storyline that I remember think...

Sparkassen Phoenix-Halbmarathon Dortmund 2023 (DE)

Lass mich von dieser großartigen Erfahrung erzählen, wie ich mich in den letzten 40 Tagen auf den Dortmund Halb-Marathon (21,1 km) vorbereitet habe. Ich habe mich entschlossen teilzunehmen, nachdem ich meine frühere Bestzeit von 10 km von vor 10 Jahren in etwa einer Stunde gelaufen bin und danach 13 km zurückgelegt habe. Ich fühlte mich zuversichtlich und glaubte, dass ich mit den richtigen Trainingseinheiten und Konstanz eine Medaille gewinnen könnte (Spoiler: Ich habe es geschafft). Bevor es jedoch so weit war, hatte ich etwa 35 Tage Zeit, mich vorzubereiten. Tatsächlich habe ich von diesem Rennen einen Monat vor meinem schönen Urlaub am Schwarzen Meer in Bulgarien erfahren. Ich bin dort ein paar Mal gelaufen, aber mein Training wurde von Faulheit und schnellem Trinken gestört. Als ich zurückkehrte, startete ich den gesamten Prozess von Neuem. Es begann langsam, nur mit etwa 11 km. Nicht, um anzugeben oder so, aber jetzt fühlen sich diese Zahlen wie ein Spaziergang im Park an. Du spü...

Sparkassen Phoenix Half Marathon Dortmund 2023 (ENG)

Let me tell you about this great experience of preparing for the Dortmund Halb-Marathon (21.1km) over the last 40 days. I decided to participate after running my previous record of 10km from 10 years ago in around an hour and then running 13km. I felt confident, believing that with the right workouts and consistency, I could earn a medal (Spoiler alert: I did). However, before that, I had about 35 days to prepare myself. Actually, I learned about this race a month before I went on a beautiful vacation to Bulgaria by the Black Sea. I ran a few times there, but my training was disrupted by laziness and quick drinking. So, when I returned, I restarted the whole process. It began slowly, with only around 11km. Not to brag or anything, but now these numbers feel like a walk in the park. You feel yourself growing in the process, especially when you have a goal waiting for you at the end. I quickly signed up for the marathon, investing 60 euros to be a part of it. I decided that, to ensure my...

Review of Róisín Murphy's Album 'Hit Parade': A Must-Listen?

While listening to this new piece for the second time, I found myself vibing more than the first round. This is my first vinyl experience, and it is a good way to dive into this new album and the mind of Róisín Murphy, whom I love from her previous work. The art of this album is screaming at us. Very conceptual, with a point of view, but I found myself in need of something more. The last album stuck with me, and I have a hard time transitioning to the new one, which is funkier, cooler, calmer, and extremely different but still captures the essence of the creator, moving it forward. Do I like the direction? In "Róisín Machine", we witnessed the peak of a career with masterpieces like "Something More" and "Murphy's Law," among many others that helped me spiral into a new wave of house music mixed with incredible lyrical poetry. The result is one of my favorite albums of all time, with some of the greatest music that is now part of my life's soundtr...

12 Tips for Nervous Flyers

  1. If you are a YouTube premium user, download these videos: 2. Both parts of this conversation are really helpful before and during a flight: The calmness and positivity of Captain Steve Allright make my flight much more enjoyable.  First part: • Pilot tells us why you shouldn't be a... . Second part: • Use these four R's to get over your f... . I wish this guy would be the pilot on all of my flights. 3. Also, this video has helped me before flying: • TIPS FOR NERVOUS FLYERS (FROM A PILOT) . 4. The fastest physiologically verified way to reduce your stress levels and introduce calmness is... taking a big, deep inhale, followed by a short second inhale through the nose, and then a long exhale to completely empty your lungs. Source: Andrew Huberman (How to breathe correctly: • STRESSED? DO THIS! w/ Dr. Andrew Hube... ). I use this technique a lot to manage my well-being before and during the flight. This technique is very useful wherever you are, and Dr. And...