Honor, Death, and Meaning: 'Shōgun'

I read the book around ten years ago, and since then, a lot has happened, causing me to forget almost everything. However, it was refreshing to see an adaptation so well done that it brought back memories of what I read so long ago in such a vivid and vibrant manner. 'Shōgun' powerfully captures the differences between cultures as well as the bewilderment of overcoming those dissimilarities. The strong contrast between how the West views life and death compared to the East is embodied by the main character, Anjin-san, played by the British actor Cosmo Jarvis. He confronts the cultural shock of Japan and everything thrust upon him, going head to head with the other characters while learning their incredibly different ways. In many moments of the show, I was like Anjin-san, shocked and often amazed by the cultural uniqueness Japan holds. I realized how great this show is during the first two episodes, particularly when I witnessed the scene of the live boiling of an Anjin crew me...