January Movie Pick: 'Panic Room'


After rewatching 'The Silence of the Lambs' and seeing for the first time 'The Accused', both movies for which Jodie Foster received an Oscar for Best Actress, and watching the trailer for 'True Detective: Night Country' and the praise she got from that show, I am on the Foster train. I'll watch anything with her at this point. She won me over, and after yesterday when I saw another movie pick, 'Panic Room,' directed by David Fincher (responsible for 'The Zodiac', 'Fight Club', 'Seven' with Paltrow's head, and 'Gone Girl' with Rosamund Pike and Ben Affleck's huge penis), I now lost my chain of thought. Yeah, back on the Foster train, and now I can't wait to see her in 'True Detective' and 'Nyat'. Foster who suddenly but quickly became one of my favorites in the last month or so, delivered another great performance in this good movie pick, 'Panic Room'.

As I mentioned before, 'Twilight' is my guilty pleasure. No one can destroy the enjoyment of those movies (not even the cast) and the kick I get whenever I see them sprinkled in Hollywood. Even though the cast apparently hates the story and the experience in the saga, I always get a boost seeing them around. I suspect that they hate the experience because they were, let's say, obligated to act in a way they are not fond of in the name of PR or whatever, allegedly. So Kristen Stewart is here as a child, the youngest role I've seen Bella in so far, and she looks nothing like her daughter in 'Twilight.' The youngest I have seen her before yesterday was in 'Into the Wild,' another great movie pick that you should watch if you are into adventures. Her struggle in the panic room reminded me so much of the way she suffered during the saga. Here, alongside Jodie Foster, she delivers a great performance. Both of them are at the top of their game, and I was absolutely convinced that they are related. So, bravo to the casting director Laray Mayfield, and of course, the director who consistently delivers.

I really don't like Jared Leto, and this movie will not change my opinion, but I definitely respect his craft. Don't get me wrong; I do not like him not because of his acting, he has nothing to prove in that regard. It's just his face, and he was in a band that one of my exes loved. Ah yeah, and the accusation that he's into teenage girls, allegedly. But we're not here to discuss the disgrace of Hollywood; rather, we are here to look at its successes and accomplishments, and this movie and both the main actresses prove that something good could come out of it. I was really entertained with this movie, as well as the other Fincher's picks, and I know I am being chaotic in this article, but that is what is going on in my mind on this beautiful morning. As I said, I use writing to process information more clearly, and since I woke up, I wanted to go through this movie and its suspects. Forest Whitaker is exceptional, as always. He is the antihero of this story who slowly comes out as the good guy. You know who I also really liked? The villain in this movie, who absolutely brought the gravitas and made the circumstances of this story immediately more real and scary, our guy - Raoul, played by Dwight Yoakam. He was really scary when he was with the mask, and as a great commentary, he became kind of a pariah after he took the mask off. The director is really good, but I have no idea how in hell someone can find a giant house like this and would like to live there only with her daughter. Can you imagine the rent of this house?

Iliya Badev


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