Review of Taylor Swift's Album '1989 (Taylor's Version)'

This album is great. I usually do not review an album that I do not have on vinyl, but I had to change the rules. I've been listening to '1989' for a couple of weeks now, and I found out that I like all of the songs; some I even love ('This Love'). The album is definitely a well-put piece of art, and I will get it soon enough.

The first incarnation of this album came out back in 2014, and I remember listening to some of the songs. Those songs were my gateway to becoming a fan of Taylor Swift. After 'Folklore' and 'Evermore,' I became fully committed to this relationship, but back then, 'Blank Space' and 'Style' were the ones that won me over and started all this.

It seems like the last couple of years, Miss Americana is the center of the universe. She's having a moment, and I completely understand why. The way she got back ownership of her catalogue is groundbreaking. Never seen before, she paved the way for artists and inspired many with her devotion and fight against the corporate world; she beat them at their own game. I've never seen someone swift the competition like that. She found the loophole and re-recorded almost every album since the beginning, making them relevant once more by upgrading them with new songs and a fresh sound. She opened her old music to new listeners like me, giving her a new take on what made her famous in the first place, and you stand there listening, realizing that she has always been a great songwriter. I probably won't review 'Fearless,' 'Speak Now,' and 'Red,' but you can go and check these albums right now; there are some pretty good tracks on them. One of my favorites, 'All Too Well,' she transformed into a 10-minute track and directed the video, putting some of the most current actors in it, proving that she has business sense and creativity. I do not have enough praises for an artist who moves me like that and allows me to feel. Her songs are as complex as the emotions they convey, and her lyrics are liquid-like storytelling that remains relatable even though we are on different planets, connecting us through space and time.You can feel that she is genuine and thoughtful if you take your time with her songs. And I will; most of the time, I forget to pay attention to the lyrics because the melodies are really catchy, but now, I will go through them to absorb all of it.

'1989' Taylor's Version Album Review:

The album starts with 'Welcome to New York'. After the third listen and checking the lyrics, I have to say I enjoy it. It has a catchy beat, and I always appreciate when artists convey the message that it doesn't matter who loves who. What matters is to love, and that has been a slogan for the gay community for as long as I remember. Like I said, she knows her audience. And just because it's smart doesn't mean that it has some undertone, and it is not genuine.

We continue with 'Blank Space'; by now, everyone in the world has heard this song. Even though I thought I knew this song, looking at the lyrics blew my mind. For some reason, the line 'Got a long list of ex-lovers' sounded like something else that I will not disclose here, but now that I know finally makes sense; the song makes sense! Not that I didn't like it before, but now it is another level.

What can I say about 'Style,' the next hit on the album? This was the first song from Swift back then that I heard, and I remember thinking, this is something else. This track is good. Now, listening to this re-recorded version, the culmination of the song will never go out of style. Boy, what is going on with these lyrics? Another one that I thought I knew. It feels great to discover them again.

'Out of the Woods' is another hit from the past that has some of my favorite lyrics. 'The monsters turned out to be just trees' always hits me hard. I feel it, girl. Here with her poet-like lyrics, she shares a story that got me thinking of all the worries from the past that eventually turned out to be nothing. I guess these worries build character or destroy it in some way, but keeping in mind that pain is mortal is a hopeful feeling. She is a modern poet.

I love the upbeat on 'All You Have to Do Is Stay.' The chorus is catchy, and it fits with the energy of the album. I will need probably more time with this song, but I am not going to skip it.

'Shake It Off' starts. Everybody knows this song, and of course, there are haters, but the beat and the lyrics are a really good remedy for bad moods. 'I never miss a beat, I'm lightnin' on my feet, and that's what they don't see' is an anthem for a happy day. It is just another beam of positivity on the album.

'I Wish I Would' is another hit. This album is just full of them, and I don't know how I missed it before, but this song is growing on me, and it's going to stick. The lyrics are relatable, the feelings are familiar, musically the song flows.

'Bad Blood,' speaking of hits, back to back to back. This one I didn't get for a long time. I guess I needed some enemies to appreciate it. Now it fires on all cylinders. All joking aside, the song is very electric, the lyrics are kick-ass. Great piece and addition to this full of hits album.

Let's continue with another song of mine, 'Wildest Dreams.' This was a song that I liked from the first hearing back then, but now putting it among the others, it feels like this album is special. This feeling is the reason I wanted to write about '1989 Taylor's Version.' She has the ability to paint pictures in your mind. A relatable fairytale. Isn't it cool when the whole album just works for you, and you have a new soundtrack for your life?

I am on the Taylor Swift wave because I started 'How You Get the Girl' thinking, oh, I like this song but I'll need more time with it, and by the end, I was totally vibing to it.

'This Love' is another one that I missed initially, but after hearing it a couple of times, I declare how beautiful it sounds. The lyrics are moving, the melody is soft and touching, her vocals are carrying the words like a picture in my mind. The whole chorus and the culmination of the song are just magnificent. I really want to experience it again, so I pressed play one more time because it is magnetic. I am having a hard time moving to the next song, one more time, and then I'll move on. After about 5-6 times, I realized that the lyrics are too complex for the softness of the song; I can barely concentrate because of the damn sweet melody; my focus is non-existent, and I am carried away.

We are onto the next song that I didn't know existed. Not that this song doesn't belong here, but it can easily move to 'Reputation.' It sounds like it is from the future that it's about to come. I love 'I Know Places.' It seems like she knows what I want from her vocally; the delivery, especially at the end, makes me want to scream with her. This one holds my attention for two weeks now, and it is one of my favorites on the album so far. It is so great to discover new cool music.

I remember hearing 'Clean' live this year for the first time. I think it is an incredible song. Another underrated hit. The delivery of the lyric, covered by the simple melody, is just flawless and impeccable.

The verses of 'Wonderland' are magical storytelling. Like I said, she has the ability to paint a picture in your mind when you are open to hearing it. I guess I wish more people were eclectic, but it doesn't get more mainstream than this. I should use another word; mainstream has a negative connotation. Popular also has this negative halo. Relatable?

'You Are in Love' applies to Taylor's style and provides warm and soft vocals that again overshadow the lyrics in the best possible way. When you are carried away by the performance, and you understand the song just by listening to the emotion that portrays.

'New Romantics' sums up my life story, and it is my new anthem!

'Slut' is a surprising song; you do not expect that down-tempo on such a provocative title. Another painted picture with words. This song was not included in the first version of the album. Actually, there are many songs that are from the vault as a bonus to this re-recording.

'Say Don't Go' is another sweet song that I won't skip because I seem to like everything Taylor Swift does and makes. Can she go wrong? I hope not.

The next one grew on me strong. 'Now That We Don't Talk' reminds me that I am short of friends lately because I drop them as soon as they do something wrong. I think my level of compromise is very little these days, and this song carries that notion, after the drop. It is from the vault, and it is one of my favorites on the album; too bad it is so short.

Hearing 'Suburban,' I start to understand from when 'Evermore' and 'Folklore' came. It sounds like it is related. Going back into the vault and drifting into Taylor's version in a mixed-up timeline is an interesting experience. Now I can place the puzzle of how it all happened, how I started to love her music so much.

'Is It Over Now' is the last track on the album. A perfect ending. So much more music in this version. The additional tracks are such a treat for the fans. Like I said, creative and smart.
So, the album is finally over, and it's quite a lengthy one. I've been writing this review the entire day. Not that I'm complaining; Taylor Swift possesses the rare talent of creating albums that are not only long but also exceptionally good. I have to say, this is easily my favorite re-recorded version so far. Hit after hit after hit.You know that I am waiting like all of us for 'Reputation'; the hype is hyping, and until we know more on that front, I will review 'Evermore' and 'Folklore' as soon as possible. What a great day of listening to beautiful music.

Iliya Badev


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