
Showing posts from November, 2024

'BEEF' - A Strikingly * * Story (Lots of Spoilers)

Spoilers! First, let me say that I like the beginning of the show, but it took a while to hook me. For a couple of days, I was stuck on one of the earliest episodes, not willing to continue. I remember the exact moment that hooked me, and from then on, I was in. When George's mother shoot at the guys and fell down the stairs, I thought, wow, this just took a turn for the worse, but good for me, because we were finally cooking. Boy, did I wish for it, and I received it. It’s hard to promote a show that has a slow start because those shows are time-consuming—I get it—but this one delivers. It’s worth the time, unlike that crap Mr. & Mrs. Smith, which progressively got worse, this show exploded. Now, to be honest, I’m feeling way calmer about the upcoming Thunderbolts*, even though I didn’t enjoy the trailer very much. The sophisticated takes on free will, destiny, and decisions resonate with my inner monologues these days, elevating the show to a story with a heart. It seems l...

November Movie Pick: 'Sisu'

I think you can stream it right now on Netflix or Prime—I don't remember. I watched it at the beginning of the month, which qualifies it as a November pick, but still, this movie keeps me thinking, reminding me how cool it was to experience it. I will definitely see it again. For crying out loud, I watched Dead Snow for the third time (which is another great European movie, by the way), and at some point, I’ll play Sisu again. Both are bold European takes on the gold rush and European history. Sisu also reminded me of Mad Max: Fury Road, but without Furiosa (who failed to deliver at the box office, although I really enjoyed the movie). Is Tom Hardy actually the driving force? Venom 3 is proving something here—a movie I don’t need to see in cinemas is actually doing pretty well. Did the dismissal of Charlize Theron make Fury Road the last entry in the series? Anyway, I heard about Sisu a while ago from the YouTuber Chris Stuckmann, who reviewed the movie. I pinned it as somet...

November Movie Pick: 'Love Lies Bleeding' – A24

A24 is really pushing hard to become my favorite studio. For sure, their talent for picking projects is once again on display here because Love Lies Bleeding is a very impressive take on Thelma & Louise and Monster. Remember Monster with the most famous female serial killer that brought Charlize Theron the very well-deserved Oscar? We should be talking more about Aileen Wuornos after the Menendez show and the outrage for their freedom. If you are able to be convinced that those two hunks are innocent, why are we not going through her files once more? Going back, thinking about Monster, I always had a feeling that Aileen, portrayed by Theron, had a lot of nuances and was rather a victim of the circumstances. Eventually, she evolved from her own savior to her own inevitable doom. The real Aileen seemed to be a bit more intense to unlock that hardcore empathy in us, huh? Both of those movies, Monster and Thelma & Louise, are very powerfully injected into this new incarnati...

Ein ausgewogenes Manifest des Hasses

Ich glaube, Hass wird unterschätzt oder missbraucht. Normalerweise deutet Hass auf Hinweise hin, was eine Person fürchtet zu werden oder was sie besitzen oder werden möchte. In diesem Sinne dient er als eine gute Landkarte menschlichen Verhaltens. Je mehr jemand hasst, desto mehr zeigt sich die Angst. Je besser wir unsere Motivationen und Verhaltensweisen verstehen, desto besser können wir sie kontrollieren und überlisten. Aber in letzter Zeit, wenn wir hassen, halten wir keinen Spiegel davor, um zu untersuchen, warum es passiert. Stattdessen hassen wir einfach blind – oder schlimmer noch, wir verbieten den Hass, behandeln ihn wie etwas, das wir nicht fühlen sollten. Doch in dieser Welt können wir alle zugeben, dass jede Emotion ihren Zweck erfüllt, solange sie im Gleichgewicht gefühlt wird. Das Unterdrücken von Emotionen ist wahrscheinlich der Grund, warum du gerade dies hier liest, zustimmend nickst oder ein wenig Entzündung im Hals spürst, bereit, in Wut, Tränen oder Lachen auszubre...

A Balanced Manifesto Of Hate

I think hate is underrated or misused. Usually, hate points in the direction of clues about what a person fears becoming or what they want to possess or become. In that sense, it serves as a good map of human behavior. The more someone hates, the more fear presents itself. The more we understand our motivations and behaviors, the better we are able to control and overrule them. But lately, when we hate, we don’t hold a mirror to it to examine why it’s happening. Instead, we just blindly hate—or worse, we forbid hate, treating it like something we shouldn’t feel. Yet, in this world, we can all admit that every emotion serves a purpose, as long as it’s felt in balance. Repressing emotions is probably why you’re reading this right now, nodding along, or feeling some inflammation in your throat, ready to burst into anger, tears, or laughter. Or maybe you just feel bored or nothing at all, craving a distraction. Bear with me—this list of things I hate is created to better understand myself....

Jac Schaeffer’s Agatha All Along: The Witch We Needed

Spoilers! Agatha delivered incredible twists and turns, transforming its reputation into one of the best Marvel series so far, dodging the aggressive attacks like a pro. Dominating the social media chatter due to its quality and loyal fandom, the show was able to defuse the toxic negativity that lately surrounds Disney. Can you recall that awful marketing campaign with the changing titles that was clever but, for some reason, ignited more hate than curiosity? The show is up there with WandaVision and Loki , and what Jac Schaeffer was able to create here—the mystery, the feels, the shocking revelation—is what got us hooked so hard. With all that success, given that the ratings are not mind-blowing, are we going to have a season 2? Or are we going to explore the story in the next Marvel series in Wanda's corner of the MCU, as some of us would put it? I am rewatching the series because of the way it makes me feel. Do you remember when Agatha told Billy what she wanted to hear from he...

November Movie Pick: 'The Substance' – I F*cking Love Horror!

This movie feels like Smile 2 and Malignant had a baby that was raised by Glenn Close's Alberta character from Deliverance (Netflix, "I can smell your nappy p*ssy"). The Substance, just like the ones I mentioned, was full of surprises, with an ending that postpones itself only to present more shocking developments. But here, they just went from 0 to eleven and stayed there. There was a scene where I burst into laughter because I loved the brave outcome they took. The performances here from everyone except our two main stars are over the top, grotesque, and everything you would imagine of such a film once you finish it. I didn’t expect the depiction of Hollywood to be so wrapped in satire to the point of disgust, directly contradicting the powerful, realistic performance of Demi Moore. I have to give it to her, this power move—joining this movie and what seems to anchor it on the way to becoming a classic—is commendable. She is incredible here. I literally applauded one...

Review des Konzerts des Georgischen Nationalballetts Sukhishvili

  Gestern habe ich einen unglaublichen Einblick in die georgische Kultur erlebt, weil uns ein Freund Tickets für das atemberaubende Konzert des Sukhishvili Balletts geschenkt hat. Das georgische Nationalballett hat mich mit seiner dynamischen Performance und der Erzählweise durch ihren magnetischen Tanz, der oft wie Kampfchoreografie aussah, überwältigt. Letztes Jahr habe ich mein Interesse an der georgischen Fußballmannschaft und der Europäischen Fußballliga aus vielen Gründen entdeckt – einige werdet ihr sofort verstehen (wenn ihr mich kennt), andere weniger (wenn ihr mich kennt). Beim Anschauen der Fußballmannschaft wurde mir klar, dass die Georgier tatsächlich Teil Europas sind, was mir als Schüler, wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, nie bewusst war. Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass jede Karte Europas den alten Kontinent und seine Ostgrenze am Schwarzen Meer abbildete, also war es interessant, etwas so Wichtiges zu entschlüsseln, von dem ich nicht wusste, was ich davon halten sollte....

Review of the Georgian National Ballet Sukhishvili Concert

Yesterday, I experienced an unbelievable dive into Georgian culture because a friend of ours gave us tickets to see the incredible show performed by Sukhishvili. The Georgian national ballet blew me away with its dynamic performance and storytelling through their magnetic dance, which often looked like fight choreography.  Last year, I found interest in the Georgian football team and the European Football League for many reasons—some you may immediately understand (if you know me), others not so much (if you know me). Watching the football team, I realized that the Georgians are actually part of Europe, which, while I was a pupil, never came across, if I remember correctly. Not to mention that every map of Europe painted the old continent and its east border on the Black Sea, so it was interesting to unravel something so important now, and I didn’t know what to think of it. After seeing the national ballet perform yesterday, I was like, "Welcome, Georgians, come in, please take a ...

November Movie Pick: 'Speak No Evil' – Whatever Happened to Baby McAvoy?

  Whatever happened to Baby McAvoy? This guy is ripped ! He looks transformed, and yeah, it might seem like I turned on this movie just because of that—and you’d be correct. But I also watched the original a couple of years ago ( my thoughts on the first one here ). I really liked it and even declared that European cinema was alive and kicking. The darkness of that movie and the unsettling feeling I got from it brought me here. Yesterday, I thought, even if it’s bad, bad, bad, at least we’ll get to appreciate the buildup. McAvoy went for it in this role—there were shades of all his personalities from Split , even Patricia! PATRICIA!!! Get it together, sweetie; we’ve got a review to do! Spoilers! I was prepared for the twists in the story, but these here were so satisfying they cured the trauma inflicted by the original movie two years ago. The original was so dark—the ending, the actors, the realism of the situation, and the feeling of no escape. The damage it left on me was enor...