
Showing posts from September, 2024

'My Journey Through Scotland' - Part Six: Climbing the Dùn Caan MacLeod

It baffles me how challenging a 444-meter-above-sea-level hill could be, especially after the adventures I’ve embarked on in the last couple of years. I must have lost my mojo somewhere along the way, because this goddamn old volcano sucked all my energy out quickly. The old hill named Dùn Caan is the highest point on the Isle of Raasay, a small island located between the Isle of Skye and the Scottish mainland. The peak stands at 444 meters (1,457 feet) above sea level. It’s a flat-topped, extinct volcano with a distinctive profile that dominates the island's landscape, making it visible from miles around. The climb to Dùn Caan is relatively short, but the terrain can be boggy, especially after rain, which adds to the difficulty. The summit offers breathtaking panoramic views, including the Cuillin mountains on Skye, the Applecross Peninsula, and even the Torridon hills on a clear day. The hike to Dùn Caan  ( video here ) typically takes around 4-5 hours round trip, depending on th

'My Journey Through Scotland' - Part Five: The Old Man of Storr & Inga

The fifth day of our journey was marked by another trip on our own. Our hostess was so happy with us, since we were so self-sufficient and tidy (for anyone who’s interested in inviting us anywhere), we were the perfect company—or at least she said so. She pointed our attention to the 'Old Man of Storr', where I knew a couple of movies were filmed, and I had already been annoying the people around me about wanting to go. A magnificent cluster of rocks that you can observe from far away as well as up close, which makes the view even more beautiful.                                                                                                                                                                                                 The Old Man of Storr After yesterday, when we were shown how the weather works, we felt ready to see the northern part of the island. We got on that same bus and went even further from Sligachan. Lost in beautiful views all along the way, the time