'The Hike' - Chapter Three - Sometimes When You Are Alone In The Mountains

Chapter 3: Day 3: I woke up with a massive headache; the hangover was killing me. Back then, I knew only one cure, and the remedy was to keep going with what brought me to this level. I mean, I was digging my grave, as the saying goes. After I made myself a decent line and had a coffee, I drank a beer to restart this nightmare. The problem with this cure is that it works, at least for a while, enough to pump you up. I remember stressing over the next 8-hour hike, not sure exactly why. Maybe the idea of walking while your legs are on strike seemed scary, but that's the thing, to deal with sore muscles one must move. Look at me with all these remedies; I have a cure for everything, self-proclaimed doctor. The plan was to leave the hut around 10, with no hurry and urgency. What I needed was to collect myself and put one leg after the other. Two guys came to the hut, we talked for a while, and they seemed nice. After they went on their way, I decided it was time to put the bag together...